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4 Important Questions That Form The Cycle of Learning
What happens when we learn? Current brain research confirms that we travel a four-part cycle when we take in and make meaning of new information. We call this learning cycle 4MAT®.
How to Use Learning Styles to Attract Customers with Jeanine O'Neill-Blackwell
How does the female brain buy? What role do learning styles play in marketing? Jeanine's interview with Wendy Stevens, mega-Internet marketing coach and host of Guerrilla Marketing to Women.
Leadership Excellence Magazine Coaching World Magazine
International Coach Federation's magazine, Coaching World: Coaching to Your Client's Learning Styles

Leadership Excellence Magazine Leadership Excellence Magazine
2012 Best in Leadership Development Ranking

4MAT 4Business named #39 on Warren Bennis' Leadership Excellence 2012 Top 500 Leadership Development Program ranking.

Corrections Today Magazine
Survey Identifies Learning Styles of Law Enforcement and Corrections Personnel
The Learning Type Measure is being used by many Correctional Institutions to help design and develop more well rounded approaches to training people. Including research from over 2,760 institutions who have taken the assessment tool, different job functions in this field are using learning styles to better understand training and development.

Engage, Trainer Guide to Learning Styles SALON TODAY Magazine
ENGAGE, The Trainer's Guide to Learning Styles
ENGAGE book Review by Tina Morschauser, owner of Rejuvenation Spa, Madison, Wisconsin.

Leadership Excellence Leadership Excellence Magazine
How Learning Happens, What leaders should understand.
Article by Jeanine O'Neill-Blackwell
All learning includes asking and answering four questions that form a cycle of learning. You followed this cycle when you learned to ride a bike, studied a second language, or figured out that new software ...

Jeanine O'Neill-Blackwell Salon Today Magazine
What's Your Leadership Style?
Understanding your leadership style, by building on strengths, and addressing weaknesses, is one of the easiest ways to get everyone on board with attainable goals ...

Jeanine O'Neill-Blackwell Sophisticated Woman Magazine
4MAT 4Business, Leading from Strengths
If there is one thing Jeanine O'Neill-Blackwell wants her daughters to remember as they travel through life, it is that the life they create is a product of how they think and the choices they make ...

4MAT®: Chief Learning Officer Magazine

4MAT®: Chief Learning Officer Magazine

T+D Top 10 Bestseller Training and Development Top 10 Bestseller, Hold On, You Lost Me!
Hold On, You Lost Me! makes Training + Development's Top 10 Bestseller list.

SeriousBUSINESS Conference
4MAT Presents at SeriousBUSINESS Conference
4MAT 4Business, featured presenter at the 2008 event.

American Society of Training and Development International Conference and Exposition
4MAT 4Business Presents at American Society of Training and Development International Conference and Exposition
Featured author and presenter, Jeanine O'Neill-Blackwell, author of Hold On, You Lost Me! Using Learning Styles to Create Training that Sticks.

American Salon Better Business: Get More Out of Meetings
American Salon article featured the book Hold On, You Lost Me! Use Learning Styles to Create Training that Sticks.
American Salon
  Jeanine O'Neill-Blackwell's new book Hold On, You Lost Me! ... teaches leaders how to keep all learning types engaged in meetings and, therefore, how to maximize their potential.”
- C.W.

4MAT: Eight Steps to Designing and Delivering Effective Training
Workshop session presented by Dr. Bernice McCarthy and Jeanine O’Neill-Blackwell
American Society of Training and Development National Conference
Dallas, TX

Schools That Learn: A Fifth Discipline Fieldbook for Educators, Parents, and Everyone Who Cares About Education Schools That Learn: A Fifth Discipline Fieldbook for Educators, Parents, and Everyone Who Cares About Education
Peter Senge, Timothy Lucas, Nelda Cambron-McCabe, et. al.
Doubleday 2000
  Educator Bernice McCarthy and a host of her colleagues ... have developed an ingenious approach to learning styles.”
- Timothy Lucas

How Can Physicians' Learning Styles Drive Educational Planning?
Elizabeth Armstrong, PhD and Ramin Parsa-Parsi, MD, MPH
Harvard Academic Medicine Journal
  “In other words, the best design for learning requires all learners to work in each style in a sequence moving from 1 to 4. McCarthy (created) a concrete curriculum-planning framework, the ‘4MAT system’.”